Single turbine sought for wind farm

Backers of the proposal are now asking for a single turbine to be allowed.
Backers of the proposal are now asking for a single turbine to be allowed.

The backers of a plan for a wind farm near Blueskin Bay are now arguing for one turbine, not three, on Porteous Hill north of Dunedin.

The Dunedin City Council resource consent committee last year declined consent for three 90m wind turbines on the hill.

That decision is being appealed by Blueskin Energy Limited.

At an Environment Court hearing in Dunedin today, one of the lawyers representing Blueskin Energy told Judge Jane Borthwick the proponents of the wind farm were now asking for only one turbine, but slightly larger at 110m, instead of the three 90m turbines proposed earlier.

Refusing consent last year, consent committee commissioner Colin Weatherall said his decision was ''significantly influenced'' by the adverse effects the wind farm would have on the amenity and character of Pryde Rd properties.

Blueskin Energy in its appeal argues the consent committee erred on several issues, including determining the turbines would be intrusive and visually dominant over the properties, that the noise of the turbines would reinforce that dominance,and in not granting consent for the two turbines it considered acceptable.

Bridget Irving told the court the one turbine now proposed would be at least 650m away from the nearest house. The earlier proposal had one of the turbines at 471m distance from the nearest house.

At 650m distance, the noise from the one turbine would be no more than minor, Ms Irving said.

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