Silverbeet to help needy

Lisa Levitt (left) and Tracey Mikaele start clearing silverbeet for Family Care's food bank.
Lisa Levitt (left) and Tracey Mikaele start clearing silverbeet for Family Care's food bank.
Anglican Family Care social worker Lisa Levitt and social work student Tracey Mikaele have started clearing silverbeet from the plot in front of the Dunedin Railway Station for Family Care's food bank.

Ms Levitt said she walked past the plot, which had attracted much attention since it was planted in April, on the way to work, so had rung council contractor Delta to ask if the agency could have the silverbeet when it was pulled out.

"I've been watching and waiting, hoping it wouldn't go to seed."

She and some helpers yesterday collected the silverbeet as the gardeners lifted it.

"It would be nice to have an ongoing relationship with the city plots, combining beautification with feeding needy people through foodbanks."

Foodbank recipients would receive recipes or directions on how to cook it.

Dunedin City Council parks and reserves officer Martin Thomson said the contractors took great pride in designing the plots and decided this year to try silverbeet and parsley, which survived winter conditions well, to show people vegetables could be grown anywhere.

The plots would be replanted with flowers for the summer.

He did not rule out vegetables being planted again during winter.


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