Settlers association donates a further $20,000

The Otago Settlers Association has donated a further $20,000 to the Otago Settlers Museum redevelopment project, bringing public fundraising to about $8 million.

The association announced the gift at its annual meeting at the museum last week, lifting to about $270,000 the total funds it had donated to the project, museum officials said.

In her annual report, association president Dr Dot Page said the redevelopment was "at an exciting point", with construction of stage one - a state-of-the-art storage building - just beginning. The $8.6 million building is expected to be finished about October next year.

Dr Page noted that the redevelopment appeal fund had been boosted by a $6 million contribution from the Government.

The fundraising committee, chaired by Barry Clarke, was energetically pursuing sources of financial support from trusts and businesses.

Priscilla Pitts had been director of both the settlers museum and the Dunedin Public Art Gallery. Dr Page said that since Ms Pitts had been farewelled last September, both institutions had been lobbying vigorously for their own specialist directors.

The association welcomed the recent announcement that the positions of specialist directors would be advertised shortly.

"Meanwhile, we have appreciated the efficiency and goodwill of the acting director of both institutions, Grant McDonald."

Members had participated enthusiastically in the events offered during the museum centenary this year, including a successful, association-run Edwardian tea dance in the bus-station foyer, she said.

• Museum officials said public fundraising for the redevelopment project, including $1 million from the Community Trust of Otago, totalled about $8 million.

About $13.8 million is being sought through fundraising, the balance of the about $35 million project to be funded by the city council.


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