Enrolments for the school opened on Monday and were marked with a parade around campus, led by members of the St Kilda Brass Band.
Among the five new papers is one on David Bowie, to be taught by a multidisciplinary team of Otago University lecturers.
Contemporary music lecturer Dr Ian Chapman, who is leading the paper, said there was no better rock star to base a whole paper around.
''To me, David Bowie goes well beyond music and, basically, the interdisciplinary of the artist that attracts me and made me think it would be a great topic for a summer school paper,'' Dr Chapman said.
It was ''awesome'' to be able to teach a paper on a topic he was passionate about.
Summer School and continuing education director Dr Elaine Webster said there was much to look forward to in this year's summer offerings.
''It's a great selection of papers this year. We have several new papers, some returning after an absence, and many that have proved popular for several years running,'' Dr Webster said.
A total of 68 papers will be available for Summer School 2015, a modest increase over last year.