Rock-star selection for Summer School

Dr Ian Chapman and Alison Cumming who, along with Dr Jonathan Marshall and Dr Margo Barton, will...
Dr Ian Chapman and Alison Cumming who, along with Dr Jonathan Marshall and Dr Margo Barton, will be lecturing in a David Bowie paper at University of Otago's Summer School. Photo by Gerard O'Brien.
A paper on revolutionary rock star David Bowie is among new topics being taught as part of next year's Summer School.

Enrolments for the school opened on Monday and were marked with a parade around campus, led by members of the St Kilda Brass Band.

Among the five new papers is one on David Bowie, to be taught by a multidisciplinary team of Otago University lecturers.

Contemporary music lecturer Dr Ian Chapman, who is leading the paper, said there was no better rock star to base a whole paper around.

''To me, David Bowie goes well beyond music and, basically, the interdisciplinary of the artist that attracts me and made me think it would be a great topic for a summer school paper,'' Dr Chapman said.

It was ''awesome'' to be able to teach a paper on a topic he was passionate about.

Summer School and continuing education director Dr Elaine Webster said there was much to look forward to in this year's summer offerings.

''It's a great selection of papers this year. We have several new papers, some returning after an absence, and many that have proved popular for several years running,'' Dr Webster said.

A total of 68 papers will be available for Summer School 2015, a modest increase over last year.

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