Residents of Gladstone Rd South, in East Taieri, have appealed to the Dunedin City Council to seal a 2km section of their road, despite a council moratorium on seal extensions.
Three residents turned up to speak to their submissions on the 2013-14 draft annual plan. One submission included a petition signed by 89 people.
Derek and Kay Payne and Simon Parks said there was a serious dust issue along the road, which was well used by cars and trucks.
Mrs Payne said she and Mr Payne had been told when they moved into the area nine years ago the sealing would be done in 10 years, but they, and other residents, were now seriously concerned, after the council last year decided to exclude the seal extension programme from the 2012-22 long term plan.
''When we found out it had gone out that long, we were totally gutted about it.''
Cr Weatherall said he understood what was actually decided was to revisit the programme in 2015-16.
Mayor Dave Cull said staff would be asked to inform councillors before their deliberations next week, about where the road sat in terms of sealing priority, what that meant in terms of timing and what the most economical options were to sort the issues.
In response to a question from Cr Richard Thomson, Cr Andrew Noone noted 1km of seal cost $200,000.
Mrs Payne said even if the council could do the sealing in sections, and oil the rest, that would be acceptable.