The members of the anatomy and structural biology department, Prof Gareth Jones, who is also the deputy vice-chancellor, academic and international, department head Prof David Green, Prof Mark Stringer and senior lecturer Dr Ming Zhang have together made corrections and comments on more than 30 chapters in the book's 40th edition.
They are the first members of the Otago department to have reviewed for the book, which now has about 50 international reviewers.
Dr Zhang, who was "very excited to be involved", has also made a further contribution, with the department's medical artist, Robbie McPhee.
They provided the book's section on the cervical fascia, a structure within the neck.
"It never occurred to me in my wildest dreams that I would ever be a reviewer for Gray's Anatomy," Prof Green said.
In 1855, British anatomist Dr Henry Gray, a lecturer on anatomy at St George's Hospital Medical School in London, approached his colleague Dr Henry Vandyke Carter with his idea to produce an accessible anatomy textbook for medical students.
Gray later contracted smallpox and died at the age of 34, just three years after his book, initially titled Anatomy Descriptive and Surgical, had first been published in 1858.
Prof Jones said the fact that four members of the Otago department had been chosen as international reviewers showed that the department was well known overseas and was carrying out cutting-edge research.