Possum traps ready to go out

Inspecting the Timms traps to be used on Otago Peninsula yesterday  are  (from left) Irene Scurr,...
Inspecting the Timms traps to be used on Otago Peninsula yesterday are (from left) Irene Scurr, Jane Higham, Richard Higham, Bill Allen, Nigel McPherson and Otago Peninsula Biodiversity Group project manager Richard Wilson at Macandrew Bay. Photo by Craig Baxter.
Possums beware, Otago Peninsula communities will soon be armed with Timms traps.

The small, bright yellow traps kill possums instantly and are one of a range of methods being used by the Otago Peninsula Biodiversity Group to rid Otago Peninsula of the pest to improve the peninsula's biodiversity.

The first stage involved pest contractors poisoning and trapping across about 4000ha north of Portobello, including Taiaroa Head and Cape Saunders, and 2800 possums were killed.

Group project manager Richard Wilson said the next stage involved peninsula residents taking part in the trapping.

New Zealand Lotteries Grant Board funding had allowed the group to buy 350 traps, which residents would be invited to put in their backyards.

The traps, baited with fruit and placed near a tree with a lure of flour and icing sugar positioned in front, killed possums immediately by snapping their necks.

Residents would be encouraged to dispose of the possums themselves in their gardens, or volunteers could help remove them.

A public meeting would be held tomorrow in Macandrew Bay to explain progress with the trapping and biodiversity work, Mr Wilson said.

- rebecca.fox@odt.co.nz

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