Positive response to programme introducing children to sailing

Macandrew Bay School pupils Ashton Heptonstall (left), Arlo Fenwick (obscured) and Liam Pettigrew...
Macandrew Bay School pupils Ashton Heptonstall (left), Arlo Fenwick (obscured) and Liam Pettigrew (all 8) return to shore during the Yachting New Zealand Have a Go day at the Macandrew Bay boating club yesterday. Photo: Linda Robertson
One of New Zealand’s next great sailors may well have tried the sport for the first time at Macandrew Bay yesterday.

The Yachting New Zealand Have a Go programme is in town and 14 children from Macandrew Bay School were the most recent to be introduced to the sport.

A product of Sir Peter Blake’s vision to give all school children in New Zealand an opportunity to go sailing, the programme tours yacht clubs and schools around the country.

It has been in  Dunedin this week, having also been to Port Chalmers on Monday and the Otago Yacht C lub on Tuesday and Wednesday.

Yachting New Zealand Have a Go instructor Simon McVeagh said the programme had been well received.

"Its been really positive everywhere we’ve been.

"It’s a pretty unique opportunity to give the kids this opportunity where they don’t have a parent in the boat with them. They’re completely in control of what’s going on.

"It’s set up really well so they can’t damage themselves. We very rarely have any injuries or anything.

"They get out there and just explore a little bit on their own."

Participants need no experience as the programme teaches how to set up a boat, how to sail, gives lessons on water safety and how to deal with capsizing.

It was a way to get kids involved in the sport and McVeagh said there was a good success rate in doing that.

"So that’s the end goal, to get them involved in the yacht clubs and assist the yacht clubs with their learn to sail courses.

"From what I’ve seen it’s a really positive response.

"Some of the clubs will get about 20-plus learn to sail boats out on the water, around Christmas often, just from these programmes."

Macandrew Bay yacht club vice commodore Ross Whitburn said it was good to give the kids some exposure to the sport.

It allowed them to try out different boats and learn how to work as a team, while also building on the wave created by last year’s America’s Cup success.

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