Emergency services were called to the intersection of Riccarton Rd East and Gladstone Rd South about 6.30pm on Saturday, after the ute collided with the side of a freight train at an East Taieri level crossing.
The vehicle sustained heavy frontal damage and the road was closed for some time as police carried out investigations.
''It's understood there were four people in the vehicle,'' a police spokeswoman said.
''Three are currently assisting police with inquiries.
''It's believed a fourth person has left the scene on foot.
''Police are making inquiries to locate that person. Inquiries are ongoing and police are following strong lines of inquiry.''
Police did not provide any further details of the other person involved in the crash or whether they were suspected of being the driver involved.
No-one was seriously injured in the crash and the group were able to get themselves out of the vehicle.
A St John spokesman said paramedics did not transport anyone from the scene.
Those involved in the crash were ''up and walking when the ambulance arrived''.
-Dunedin police (03) 471-4800, Crimestoppers 0800 555-111.
-Additionally reported by Chris Morris