Pain continues for assault victim

Cory Sutherland
Cory Sutherland
If anyone knows the effect of random crime on a person's life, it is Cory Sutherland.

Since he was seriously assaulted in Moray Pl six weeks ago, life has been tough for Mr Sutherland (20) and his young family.

He is still recovering from his physical injuries - he was punched and kicked about the head, and his jaw was broken and displaced - and he started eating solid food again last week.

He said when he first got home from hospital, he could not drive, do anything around the home, or look after his two children, aged 2 years and 6 weeks.

It had been a struggle economically, too.

He started a new job in October so had no holiday leave up his sleeve when he was injured.

The family were barely getting by on what he made before and with a stand-down period for ACC and 20% less income, they struggled. At one stage, they got through only on grocery vouchers given to them by the parents of children in a football team he coached.

He returned to work this week, although his job was different because he could no longer use some of the equipment required.

He would not be back coaching the team for a while yet, and he was definitely not going to be playing any sport this season.

Psychologically, neither he nor his partner, who saw the assault, had fully recovered yet, and it would be a long time before they would be back to normal.

"It was majorly stressful for both of us."

He said his partner was traumatised and anxious, and hated being in crowds. For four weeks, the couple did not know who his assailant might be, and everywhere they went, they wondered if this was the person who attacked him or if they were watching.

Two people had been charged in relation to the assault, but more than two people had been involved in the assault and the others were still at large.

"They could be living next door, for all we know. It's not very good, eh."

It was a slight relief that someone had been arrested but the couple still had the anxious wait for the court appearance.

"Things probably won't start to get back to normal until after that."


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