Police inspect the scene where a vehicle crashed down a bank in Pine Hill Rd yesterday. PHOTO: PETER McINTOSH
Senior Sergeant Anthony Bond, of Dunedin, said police responded to the crash at 11.20am.
The crash involved a car and a 22-tonne truck at the intersection of Pine Hill Rd and Fea St.
The 67-year-old driver of the car allegedly missed his opportunity to overtake the truck in a passing lane.
He then decided to overtake on the centre median but did not have sufficient space.
He was clipped by the front end of the truck which caused the car to spin and crash through a fence and down the bank.
It was stopped from going any further down the bank by crashing into a tree.
No injuries were reported.
There were diversions in place at the scene while the car was pulled out of the ditch.