A report about the recent earthquake in Nepal has sparked Olivia Duffy (7) into action.
''It was from the news - on television,'' she said.
Her mother, Helen Duffy, said, ''We were having dinner, watching the news, and she jumped down and went to grab the iPad and was searching schools in Nepal on Google.
''She basically came up with the idea, she wanted to do something to help the kids, and she said, 'Can we have a bake sale?'.''
From there, it all took off.
Olivia wrote to her teacher asking if her class - Room Two at St Brigid's School in Andersons Bay - could have a baking sale, and then to a string of relatives, asking them to bake for it.
She had never done anything like this, her mother said.
''I was surprised, and taken aback, but very proud of her,'' she said.
''It's not very often that kids think outside the square like that.''
The $408 the sale raised will go to Caritas, a Catholic group that co-ordinates donations to relief organisations.
Caritas spokesman Crispin Anderlini said that St Brigid's was one of a handful of schools that had already organised donations to Nepal.
''And there are always more coming in from ... schools around the country.''
Mr Anderlini said the money would go to support Caritas operations in Nepal, which involved providing food and safe water kits, and temporary shelter for the earthquake victims.