Officers who assaulted man remain suspended on full pay

Two Dunedin police officers found guilty last week of assaulting a man while arresting him remain suspended on full pay while police work through the employment process.

On June 4, after a five-day trial in the Dunedin District Court, a jury of 11 people found Constable Brenton Rooney guilty of injuring with intent to injure and Constable Duncan Hollebon guilty of assault with intent to injure.


The men will be sentenced on July 16.

The jury found the officers kicked a man to make him comply with attempts to handcuff him after a pursuit in Dunedin in February 2009.

The pair's lawyers have indicated both men intend to appeal the convictions on several grounds.

Appeals will be lodged after sentencing.

Southern police district operations manager Inspector Lane Todd confirmed the men, who had been suspended on full pay since the allegations were made in February 2009, were still suspended on full pay.

Police were following the employment process under the police code of conduct, and he could make no further comment until at least after the men were sentenced, he said.



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