The rain clouds parted and thousands of revellers in Dunedin partied and danced into the New Year.
At midnight, the booming sound of the Robbie Burns cannon firing signalled 2018 had arrived, as thousands packed into the Octagon and the surrounding bars to celebrate.
People had been slowly filling the Octagon throughout Sunday night, but about 30 minutes before the big show a stream of people of all ages flowed into the area to watch the fireworks display.

Earlier in the night, Christchurch band The Easy Hearts helped keep the party going with a mix of rock classics.
Punters also packed into bars and restaurants around the Octagon to find a cosy spot to watch the festivities.
Rain which had been falling on the city for most of the day cleared about 8pm with the temperature sitting at cool 12degC for most of the night.
Dunedin soul, funk and rhythm and blues covers band Dubious Groove helped start the festivities in front of a small but appreciative crowd.