November start for region's surf lifeguards

Surf lifeguards are set to begin patrols on southern beaches from November 5. While weekend patrols begin Labour Weekend and continue through to Easter for most areas of the North Island, patrols in the south will begin during the next month as the warmer weather arrives.

Club development officer Steph Laughton said volunteer surf lifeguards would begin patrolling Otago and Southland beaches on November 5 through until March 18.

Patrols would start as normal at Warrington, St Kilda, St Clair, Brighton, Kaka Point and Oreti beaches.

Volunteers would patrol the beaches on Saturdays and Sundays, from noon until 5pm, through the period, while regional guards would begin weekday patrols from mid-December.

Hundreds of volunteers were involved in the providing the service.

In the North Island, Bay of Plenty beaches are being assessed on a daily basis due to the oil spill from the stricken Rena.

Patrols would not start on many beaches until further notice, and would be dependent on whether Rena released more oil.

In Canterbury, beaches significantly affected by the February 22 earthquake were now all open and patrols were set to begin as normal.

Surf Life Saving New Zealand chief executive Pat Waite said Surf Life Saving was committed to making beaches as safe as possible and as the warmer weather loomed it was important to remember basic beach safety.

If using the beaches and water this summer people should be prepared, and watch out for themselves and others by paying close attention to children and swimming between the flags.

They should be aware of the dangers: learn to recognise rips, do not enter the water after drinking alcohol, never swim when cold or tired, and know their limits.

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