Pippa Sluis says it is time the rest of New Zealand woke up to benefits of life in Dunedin.
Mrs Sluis (35), husband Stewart (39) and the couple's two young children, moved to Dunedin after deciding to quit post-quake Christchurch two years ago.
• Out-of-towners pushing prices up
• Simple pleasure found in South
They had moved out of Christchurch's central city after the quakes, to avoid the rebuild's disruption, and bought a four-bedroom family home in Diamond Harbour.
But, after tiring of the 45-minute commutes to and from work, they decided to sell two years ago.
And, despite making a $30,000 profit, they found themselves priced out of the market for a comparable family home closer to Christchurch's centre, she said.
"We just wouldn't have got anything that would have been enjoyable to live in,'' she said.
Instead, when a job opportunity for Mr Sluis came up in Dunedin, they jumped at the chance.
"We literally throught about it for an hour ... we had the house on the market within a week, and sold two weeks later, and were down here four weeks after that.''
Now, after renting for two years in Dunedin, the couple have just bought their first home - an older, but still grand, five-bedroom family home in St Clair.
Mrs Sluis said the couple's young children - Millie (3) and Harry (18 months) - were thriving, and a third child was now on the way.
Dunedin's affordable living meant Mrs Sluis would not have to return to full-time work, and could continue to care for her children, while her husband was only a short bike ride away from work.
"The lifestyle we've got here is incredible,'' she said. "It's the best decision we ever made.''
Mr Sluis agreed, saying house prices had been an attraction, but lifestyle - including easy access to the outdoors - was an added bonus.
A more affordable house, in a better location, also meant the decision was a financial "no-brainer'' for the family, he said.
"More money in the pocket means more opportunities to spend money on the kids and the lifestyle.
"I can't imagine myself ever regretting it.''
The well-kept secret appeared to be getting out, as Mrs Sluis said she was now meeting "lots'' of new arrivals when taking her children to playcentre and other community groups.
"Nearly every group I go to ... I'll chat to somebody every week who's come down, mainly from Auckland and Christchurch.''
But it still amazed her that more people were not cottoning on to the city's benefits.
"I wish I could just shake my friends and say to them ‘the lifestyle you would have down here would be so much better'.''