Bradley (9) and Ellen (6) were killed by their father, Edward Livingstone, last week in the home the children shared with their mother, Katharine Webb, Livingstone's estranged wife.
Jo Wilson, principal of St Leonards School, which the children attended, said she visited Ms Webb yesterday.
Ms Webb was doing as well as could be expected and was ''just so thankful'' for the support and response of the community, she said.
By late yesterday, about $11,200 had been deposited into the bank account set up by school staff to receive donations for Ms Webb.
Hundreds are expected to attend a service for the children at the school at 2pm on Saturday.
A traffic management plan had been put in place for Saturday afternoon, which included speed restrictions of 30kmh on SH88, pedestrian warning signs near the yacht club, and St Leonards Dr open only to easterly traffic.
Limited parking would be available near the school, and locals were urged to walk to the school, which would also have a drop-off and pick-up area.
Service-goers were advised to park by the Harbour City cycleway. Shuttle vans, courtesy of Dunedin North Intermediate and driven by local volunteer firefighters, would be available to take those requiring transport to the school.
The service, in the school hall, would be limited to family members, school pupils and their parents.
A marquee, with video and audio link, would be set up for the general public.