Two senior Dunedin Mongrel Mob members have admitted 57 cannabis charges from the recent police "Operation Rocket".
James Rata Stevenson (36), unemployed, president of the Dunedin chapter of the Mongrel Mob Aotearoa, and Teone Jack Thompson (27), unemployed, a senior member of the chapter, entered their pleas in the Dunedin District Court yesterday.
Judge Stephen Coyle remanded both for sentence on September 2.
Earlier remanded in custody, the pair remain in custody.
Stevenson and Thompson were charged jointly with selling cannabis (44 charges); possessing cannabis for supply (six charges); and supplying cannabis (seven charges).
Charged together with a third person, the pair further admitted conspiring to sell cannabis.
Operation Rocket was a Dunedin police investigation into the drug offending of the Mongrel Mob Aotearoa locally.
Stevenson and Thompson were two main targets of the operation.
The investigation began in April last year.
The conspiracy charge alleged offending between April 19 last year and January 9 this year; and the other offences admitted yesterday occurred on various dates between September 3 and December 20 last year.
A 59th charge against Stevenson, also admitted, was of possessing cannabis for supply, on April 21 this year.