Milestone for shelter campaign

John Le Brun
John Le Brun
The Dunedin Night Shelter Trust's fundraising campaign received another boost this week with a $25,000 donation from the William Sherriff Charitable Trust.

Combined with individual donations from the community, the ''Dunedin Helping Dunedin'' fundraising total for this week is $27,373, bringing the campaign total to $171,316.

This is a milestone for the campaign, as it means there is now less than $50,000 to go to meet the final $220,000 the Dunedin Night Shelter Trust needs to reach its overall target of $600,000.

Trust member John Le Brun said it had been ''fantastic'' to see the huge amount of support from the community over the past few weeks.

''Of course, a large project like this is always going to rely on a few significant donations to get it across the line and on that note we are incredibly grateful to have received notification this week of a $25,000 contribution from the William Sherriff Trust,'' Mr Le Brun said.

William Sherriff Charitable Trust administrator Megan Bartlett, of Webb Farry, said the trustees - Peter Chin, John Gallagher and Lauren Semple - were impressed by the work of the Night Shelter Trust.

''They note that they have a very good and committed group of volunteers, they are effective and focused on the service they deliver, and the campaign has already successfully achieved a significant portion of its target to purchase,'' Ms Bartlett said.

The William Sherriff Charitable Trust was settled in 2008 by the late Bryan Sherriff, of Dunedin, who had wisely invested a share portfolio he had inherited from his father, William. The trust considers grants on a case-by-case basis within the Otago region.

Mr Le Brun is delighted with the progress of the fundraising campaign.

''The trust board greatly appreciates the way the Dunedin community is rallying behind us and is extremely thankful for every donation.

''With the continued support of the community, our goal of cementing the Night Shelter's services for the city through building ownership is within reach,'' he said.


• Visit the Dunedin Night Shelter ''givealittle page'' at

• Donate by direct credit to the Dunedin Night Shelter at the bank account: 03 0905 0279202 02

• Donate by cheque to the Dunedin Night Shelter Trust, P.O. Box 5906, Moray Pl, Dunedin 9058

• The University Volunteer Centre is selling ''Dunedin Helping Dunedin''- branded merchandise - hats and beanies.


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