Loves his leather jacket

Sam Ovens and his leather jacket
Sam Ovens and his leather jacket
Sam Ovens wearing his distinctive studded jacket works on a piece during the Vogel St party....
Sam Ovens wearing his distinctive studded jacket works on a piece during the Vogel St party. PHOTO: Gregor Richardson

Sam Ovens and his leather jacket
Sam Ovens and his leather jacket
A Dunedin artist loves his leather jacket and he wants his "pride and joy'' _ a distinctive studded vest _ returned.

Sam Ovens misplaced a recyclable New World shopping bag containing the studded vest, metal ringlet belt and black cap, on Gt King St, on Friday at noon.

"I am so gutted,'' he told the Otago Daily Times today.

He bought the vest for $50 from Cash Converters a decade ago and had spent hours adding metal studs to it over the years.

It featured the words 'Inepsy' in a faded yellow text, and ``disorder'' on the back of the studded vest, ``it is not the kind of thing you buy in a shop''.

"It is handmade and it what people know me for.''

Mr Ovens said he desperately wanted his vest back and was offering a cash reward for its return.

Anyone with information was urged to contact Mr Ovens via his Facebook page.

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