John McGlashan College senior prizegiving

John McGlashan College senior prizegiving was held recently.

The prize list is. -

Nat Christensen and Andrew Dysart.

Year 11
Uiva Alatimu (merit physical education), Nicolas Alloo (merit English, German), Connor Anderson (merit economics, English), Joe Ascroft (excellence English, history, mathematics, science, merit economics, German), Tim Austen (excellence economics, merit history, English, geography), Dale Baker (merit English), Fergus Bevin-McCrimmon (excellence economics, English, French, mathematics, merit geography, science), James Brundell (merit geography), Connor Bryant (merit science), Mitchell Clark (merit history, mathematics, music, science), Adam Cowie (merit drama, history, English, mathematics), Tom Dickinson (merit agriculture), Clay Forward (merit visual arts), Mitch Heslip (excellence accounting, English, history, merit economics, geography, mathematics), Ruifa Huang (excellence accounting, economics, English, history, mathematics, merit French), Oscar Johns (excellence history), Oliver Jordan (excellence economics, graphics, merit English, mathematics, science, visual arts), Natthapat Limpradditthanont (merit mathematics), Hugh Lindsay (excellence drama, English, merit history), Oli Lyons (merit history, music), Ryan MacArthur (excellence drama, music, merit geography), Sam MacKay (excellence English, mathematics, merit accounting), Mark McKenzie (merit accounting, mathematics), Jamie McKenzie (excellence accounting, science, merit economics, geography, visual arts), Hamish McMillan (excellence geography, history, physical education, science, merit English), Daniel McNab (merit technology, visual arts), Jack Miles (excellence English, merit geography, history, science), Jamie Parkinson-Wisely (excellence English, German, history, mathematics, merit drama), Baden Parr (excellence graphics, mathematics, science, technology, merit English, geography), Simon Peirce (excellence visual art, merit graphics, English, geography, science), Josh Pringle-Prendergast (excellence graphics, mathematics, merit English), Sam Richardson (excellence agriculture), Jack Rouse (excellence physical education, visual art), Jordan Saville (merit technology), Marckis Schaaf (excellence English, merit history, mathematics, physical education), Taylor Sizemore (excellence economics, English, history, music, merit science), Jeremy Spruyt (excellence English, merit accounting, drama, French, geography, mathematics), Greg Thomson (excellence economics), Jack Turner (excellence mathematics, merit economics, history, English), Willem Van Buskirk (excellence English, mathematics, visual art, merit economics, geography, graphics, science), Josh Wallace (excellence history), Youri Wijland (excellence French, history, mathematics, science), Cameron Wood (merit agriculture), Sean Woods (excellence English), Nick Yates-Henderson (excellence English, history, merit mathematics, music, science).

Year 12
Patrick Allen (merit geography), Lachlan Angland (excellence chemistry, physics), Matthew Ashworth (excellence graphics, visual art, merit English), Jamie Band (excellence biology, chemistry, English, French, mathematics, physics), Toby Batchelor (excellence physical education, merit geography), Thomas Blackler (merit physical education), Jack Brazil (merit French), Nic Brice (high achievement Star - cooking, electronics, welding), Jonathan Chu (merit English, French), Leighton Coker (high achievement Star - cooking), Alan Craig (merit computing), Joshua Cuming (excellence accounting, computing, geography, merit economics), Jean De Klerk (excellence accounting, chemistry, economics, merit business and management, mathematics), Matthew Fields (excellence English, merit biology, German), Liam Gardiner (high achievement Star - electronics, welding), Morgan Gardiner (high achievement Star - electronics, welding), William Gibson (excellence agriculture, merit mathematics, technology), Jono Glassey (excellence chemistry, physics, merit English), Andrew Griffin (merit accounting, computing, high achievement Star - electronics, welding), Jarred Haig (high achievement Star - electronics), James Hanff (excellence physics, merit economics, mathematics, physical education), David Hannah (merit L3 history), James Harvey (high achievement Star - car maintenance), Joseph Highton (merit chemistry, economics, English, mathematics, physics), Jorden Hyslop (merit English, German), Bennett Jones (merit geography, media studies), Tae Gi Kang (merit computing, Esol), Andrew Lamb (excellence biology, merit mathematics), Cody Latta (merit history, media studies, visual art), Bryan Lee (merit business and management), Hamish Low (merit German), Leni Maiai (merit biology, English, physical education), Timothy Marshall (merit English, German, physics), Hayden McAuliffe (excellence biology, economics, English, geography, mathematics, merit physics) Adam McDonald (merit accounting, media studies), Mark McKenzie (merit agriculture), Andrew Mekhail (excellence biology, German, merit chemistry, mathematics, physics), Jeremy Morris (excellence visual art, merit technology), Sibi Narayanan (excellence biology, English, merit chemistry, physics), Samuel Newton (merit biology, English, German), Aaron Power (excellence technology, graphics), Gilbert Robertson (merit geography, high achievement Star), Cameron Russell (merit geography, high achievement in Star), Angus Ryder (merit physics, chemistry), Tom Scanlan (high achievement Star - car maintenance), Richard Scott (excellence mathematics), Morgan Shields (excellence biology, geography, history, visual art), Thomas Simmers (excellence mathematics, merit chemistry, physics), Sam So (excellence biology, English, mathematics, merit chemistry, physics), Alan Steel (merit physical education, high achievement Star - cooking), Nicholas Stringer (excellence business and management, English, French, physics, merit biology, L3 mathematics with calculus), Dominic Stumbles (merit history), Peter Thomas (merit visual art), Henry Tilson (excellence English, graphics, merit biology, German, mathematics, general excellence Level 2), Sheldon Williams (merit agriculture, high achievement Star), Michael Wilson (merit geography, high achievement Star), Edward Woods (excellence geography, media studies, merit history), Gresham Worth (merit English).

Year 13
Elliot Adamson (merit visual art), Finlay Butler-Pollock (merit computing, geography), Henry Caird (excellence visual art), Nat Christensen (excellence economics, English, geography, history, mathematics with statistics), Lachlan Clark (merit mathematics with statistics, physics), Rhiane Copland (merit English), Eddy Davis-Rae (excellence English, merit German), Ethan Dodds (merit mathematics with statistics), Andrew Dysart (excellence economics, English, geography, history, merit biology), George Hannagan (excellence visual art, merit art history, economics), Alex Jang (excellence mathematics with calculus), Peter Kane (merit agriculture, technology), Calvin Kim (merit Esol, mathematics with calculus, physics), Joel Labes (excellence German, merit biology, history), Ben Lorimer (merit biology, English, French), Jacob Manera (excellence geography, mathematics with statistics, merit French), Andrew McCorkindale (excellence biology, French, merit English), James McPherson (excellence biology, mathematics with statistics, physics), Joshua Oh (merit biology, chemistry), Ben Parsons (excellence German), Barry Schmidt (excellence biology, merit economics), Sam Sinclair (merit physical education), Theo Spruyt (merit English), Hamish Sutherland (merit geography, mathematics with statistics, physical education), Ross Taylor (excellence visual art), Nicholas Tenci (excellence English, German, merit biology, economics), Nic Theis (excellence French, merit biology, English, history), Sam Turner (excellence visual art), Andre Vidal (excellence history, merit chemistry, English, mathematics), Tom Willocks (excellence agriculture, merit geography), Duncan Wilson (excellence physics, merit English, geography), Tom Wilson (merit English, geography), Nick Woods (merit physical education).


- Athletics: Senior champion: Jeremy Morris; Mile Championship Cup: Toby Batchelor; intermediate champion: Clay Forward; champion of champions: Clay Forward.
- Basketball: Most outstanding player: Hashmat Lafraie; most improved player: Thomas Simmers.
- Cricket: Best batting record: Barry Schmidt; best bowling record: Tom Myles; loyalty, service and sportsmanship First XI: Nick Pearse-Smith.
- Cross-country: Senior champion: Sam Newton; intermediate champion: Toby Batchelor.
- Fives: Senior champion: Barry Schmidt.
- Golf: best gross: Michael Watson; best nett: Peter Kane; matchplay: Michael Watson.
- Hockey: Service to hockey: Sam Turner; most valuable player: Jeremy Morris.
- Ice hockey: Contribution to ice hockey: Nick Yates-Henderson.
- Rugby: most improved footballer: Gilbert Robertson; most valuable player First XV: Braydon Pennycook; services to First XV: Nathan Hull; most promising player: Alex Fitzgerald.
- Snow Sports: Simon Craig.
- Swimming: Senior champion: Cody Latta; champion of champions: Cody Latta.
- Soccer: Most improved First XI player: Henry Tilson; contribution to First XI: Eddy Davis-Rae.
- Tennis: Oli Reid.
- Trapshooting: Tom Willocks; most improved shooter: Grant Ramsay.
- Volleyball: Most outstanding player: Leni MaiaI; most promising senior player: Markis Schaaf.
- Water polo: Most valuable player: Jacob Manera.


Senior art: Sam Turner; senior biology: Andrew McCorkindale; senior chemistry: Andrew McCorkindale; senior physics: James McPherson; senior computing: Josh Cuming; top year 12 science student: Jamie Band; year 12 maths and physics: Jamie Band, Nicholas Stringer; senior mathematics: Calvin Kim; senior English: Nat Christensen: senior Esol prize: Donald Chung; senior commerce: Barry Schmidt; senior geography: Andrew Dysart; year 12 geography: Hayden McAuliffe, Joshua Cuming; year 11 geography: Hamish McMillan; senior history: Andrew Dysart; senior French: Nicolas Theis: senior German: Joel Labes; senior workshop technology: Peter Kane; senior graphics: Matthew Ashworth; senior physical education: Sam Sinclair; year 12 physical education: Toby Batchelor.


Creative writing year 12 & 13: Hashmat Lafraie; speech year 12 & 13: Nic Tenci, Nat Christensen; creative writing year 11: Mitchell Heslip; speech year 11: Hugh Lindsay; debating: Lachlan Clark; contribution school drama: Nicolas Theis: senior librarian: Gresham Worth; contribution library: Hamish MacArthur; contribution senior music: Eddy Davis-Rae, Nick Yates-Henderson.


School music: Eddy Davis-Rae, rural pupil of the year: Tom Willocks, most outstanding team, 1st XI cricket team, best all-round athlete Jeremy Morris; highest performing athletes: Hamish Finnie and Leni Maiai; community and college Hamish MacArthur; service to school: Nick Woods; best all round pupils: Nicolas Theis and Eddy Davis-Rae.

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