It's short, sharp and to the point

'Zines, student culture, gardens and the relevance of print media will all come under the microscope at the latest pecha kucha session in Dunedin tomorrow.

Twelve presenters will give illustrated talks about their work, projects, or passions. The Japanese pecha kucha translates as "chit chat" and was developed in 2003 by two British architects bored with long-winded architectural presentations.

A pecha kucha presentation features 20 images accompanied by a 20-second talk.

"This ensures presenters are concise and makes for a varied and entertaining evening," co-ordinator Richard Dingwall said.

The 11th pecha kucha presentation is being held at the University of Otago as part of the student association art week. The presenters are designer Alex Gilks (muttering about beauty), artist Spencer Hall (Dunedin Comic Collective), artist Jenny Longstaff (cultivating personal creativity), performer Logan Elliott (passion and creativity), artist Carmen Norgate (white, yellow and all the things in between), gardener Stephanie du Fresne (use and ornament), artist/scientist Dr Jenny Rock (dichotomy blues), photographer Rachel Hope Allan (knitted toys and their stories), video producer Sam Stuchbury (the lenses of student culture), freelance writer and critic Hana Aoake (the relevance/continuation of print), artist/writer Anna Chinn (things I found in the gutter yesterday) and science communicator Lindsey Horne (personification). It starts at 7.30pm at the Union Common Room, Otago University.


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