Inquiry into fire at hospital

The Southern District Health Board is investigating after a fire in a Dunedin Hospital seminar room last night.

DHB health and safety manager Rangi Solomon said alarms activated in a third floor seminar room after smoke began billowing from a computer station about 10.30pm, but staff managed to extinguish the source of the smoke.

Staff were ''moved away from the immediate area'' while Fire and Emergency New Zealand (Fenz) was called, but the hospital building was not evacuated, he said. Mr Solomon praised the actions of DHB staff.

''We thank the staff involved for taking quick action to manage the situation,  and the fire service for their support.''

The DHB would be undertaking a ''full investigation'' into the incident, he said.

Fenz spokesman Daryl Ball said three pumps attended, along with an "aerial unit" featuring a ladder, which he said was standard practice for any incident three storeys or above. The fire had been ''well and truly dealt to'' by the time the crews arrived, he said. 

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