Advice to Rugby World Cup visitors on the Ministry of Health website draws attention to the risk of measles and influenza, but does not advise people directly about accident cover.
A Ministry of Health spokeswoman said the messages were designed to be simple, straightforward and give those who needed health advice the chance to someone who could help them.
The message was to telephone 111 in an emergency and for all other inquiries call the Healthline.
The latter would give them the chance to talk to health professionals who could assess their needs and refer them to the appropriate service irrespective of the time of day or where they were.
The information offered on the ministry site was extra to that provided on the official Rugby World Cup site, to ticket buyers and on fan websites, she said. These had links to the Ministry of Health, ACC and websites from other agencies.
The ministry's web page welcoming rugby visitors gives information on emergencies, free health advice, measles, influenza and eligibility for health services.