Graduands encouraged to ‘keep on learning’

Otago Polytechnic graduands parade down George St yesterday before their graduation ceremony at...
Otago Polytechnic graduands parade down George St yesterday before their graduation ceremony at the Dunedin Town Hall. PHOTO: GREGOR RICHARDSON
Otago Polytechnic graduands parade down George St yesterday before their graduation ceremony at the Dunedin Town Hall.

Hundreds of graduating students were told at the ceremony to use the ``brains in their head and the feet in their shoes'' and to keep on learning.

Nearly 400 students graduated at the ceremony, opened with a mihi from Megan Potiki and a speech by Otago Polytechnic council chairwoman Kathy Grant.

Animation Research chief executive Cheryl Adams was the guest speaker.

Ms Adams, who gained a bachelor of mechanical engineering with honours from the University of Canterbury, spoke about her career and said it was important to: ``love challenges, be intrigued by mistakes, enjoy effort, and keep on learning''.

She also quoted from Dr Seuss: ``You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose.''

Early in the ceremony there was also a presentation of an emeritus professorship to Jane Malthus, from iD Dunedin Fashion Week committee chairwoman and Otago Polytechnic design lecturer Margo Barton. 

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