GP offers $2000 towards treatment

A Dunedin general practitioner has offered to contribute $2000 towards the cost of providing Joe Noon with the drug Infliximab, understood to cost at least $25,000 for a one-year course.

The GP, who did not want to be named, would provide the money on the condition that it went into a properly-administered fund and was used only for drug treatment prescribed by Mr Noon's specialist.

Neither Pharmac nor the Otago District Health Board fund the use of Infliximab although most other New Zealand health boards do.

The GP was not put off by Mr Noon's admission that he drank heavily when younger and continued to smoke, and considered that with contributions from other professionals the amount required could be raised "very quickly".

Mr Noon said the offer was "just awesome" and he was discussing the formation of a trust for donations with other people who had offered help.

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