Margaret Miller began working as a typist for the town's police in 1985. The days of teleprinters and typewriters contrasted sharply with modern policing with computers, iPads and iPhones.
''There has been a huge technological change,'' Mrs Miller (66) said.
During her 28-year tenure, she had worked behind the scenes on files, tended the front counter, taken phone inquiries and performed other administration tasks.
Over the years she had seen many officers come and go, and ''and they are a great bunch of people''.
And the criminals?
''We get a new lot . . . some fade away, some move on.''
Mrs Miller said she did not really want to retire but with recent changes realised the timing was right for her to go, and she would leave on December 20.
A decision on whether the position would continue was yet to be made.
For years, she commuted from a farm at Maungatua, before moving to a farmlet closer to Mosgiel seven years ago with her husband John.
That block held miniature horses including an American Shetland pony, sourced from the United States, for breeding. Mrs Miller
became interested in miniature horses about a decade ago.
''They are suitable for anybody ... you just get hooked into them,'' Mrs Miller said. She is president of the New Zealand Miniature Horse Association.
In addition to breeding horses, Mrs Miller and her husband plan to continue travelling overseas in their retirement.