Stage one of Dunedin hospital's new intensive care unit (ICU) has had its official opening and an official name change, to Te Puna Wai Ora-Southern Critical Care.
The name change reflected a broader approach to the services the new ward would offer, Southern District Health Board commissioner Kathy Grant said.
When the two-stage project is finished, it will amalgamate the former high dependency unit and ICU.
Mrs Grant said a new SCC facility was much needed, and acknowledged delays in the project had frustrated staff and patients.
"This stage, with 12 beds, is a quantum leap forward from the present cramped facilities,'' she said.
The first patient to use the new unit will be transferred on December 4.
The development also includes new facilities for families and students.
Stage two - with the HDU unit and 10 more ICU beds - opens in mid-2019.