Jeepers, creepers - who can colour those peepers?

Getting an eyeball tattoo, like the ones seen here, will be regulated under a Dunedin City...
Getting an eyeball tattoo, like the ones seen here, will be regulated under a Dunedin City Council draft bylaw. PHOTO: GETTY IMAGES
Eyeball tattoos may be off the cards for the more squeamish Dunedin city councillors, but they agree the emerging trend’s health risks need to be managed.

At Tuesday’s customer and regulatory committee meeting, councillors approved the draft Beauty Therapists, Tattooists and Skin-Piercers bylaw.

One of the changes would mean only a registered ophthalmologist — an eye health specialist — could perform an eyeball tattoo.

Cr Steve Walker first broached the subject, asking council staff: "Can you please explain what on Earth is that?"

Acting environmental health and alcohol licensing team leader Tanya Morrison explained an eyeball tattoo was "essentially turning the white of your eye another colour".

"As you can imagine, with needles around anyone’s eye is a very high-risk procedure," she said, drawing groans from around the council table.

Cr Carmen Houlahan said the thought of an eyeball tattoo made her "cringe", a sentiment echoed by other councillors.

Ms Morrison cautioned anyone planning to research the procedure.

"It is googleable, there’s a lot of examples where it’s gone horribly wrong," she warned.

There were many emerging body art and modification procedures — such as eyeball tattoos — and the council’s draft policy was in keeping with public health responses around the world, Ms Morrison said.

"It is not our job to judge. It is our job to assess the risk."

Consultation on the bylaw will begin in May, with hearings to be held mid-year before the council considers the final bylaw in August.

