Eddie aims high in fundraiser

Opoho School pupil Eddie Scott (6) leads climbers up Baldwin St on Saturday, including (from left...
Opoho School pupil Eddie Scott (6) leads climbers up Baldwin St on Saturday, including (from left) Sunny Jackson-Falconer (6), Madeline Henderson (7) and Joseph Scott (4), to raise money for the stroke treatment of a family member. Photo by Gregor Richardson.
A Dunedin boy led an entourage up Baldwin St on Saturday to help get a family member to the United States for medical treatment.

Opoho School pupil Eddie Scott (6) said he raised ''$1100 and something'' to help his mum's cousin, Luke Elliott (33), get medical treatment.

''He's not very well; he got the stroke and now he's going to America to get special treatment.''

As he had never climbed the street before, he had water strapped to his back in a hydration pack and carried a bag of chocolates.

Eddie said he trained for the climb by walking to school with friend Jaspar Schoenleben (6).

The training paid off - Eddie scaled the street with ease, leading an entourage of about 30 people to the top.

Eddie's mother, Anne Scott, said her cousin had a ''massive'' stroke aged 24 and had raised about $22,000 of the $30,000 required to travel to Los Angeles for stroke treatment.

''This is the only hope that he, his wife and his two young boys have had in almost a decade.''

Mrs Scott said she and Eddie were discussing giving to the givealittle.co.nz fundraising campaign and brainstormed the climb idea as a way to raise money from family and friends.

When they agreed on the feat about three weeks ago, Mrs Scott set a $100 fundraising target.

Eddie was aiming higher. ''He said, 'No Mum, we'll get $1000','' Mrs Scott said.


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