Ecstasy 'thrown in for nothing'

A Dunedin man has denied importing ecstasy, claiming he instead ordered LSD online.

The 31-year-old appeared in the Dunedin District Court yesterday facing charges of importing class A drug LSD, importing class A drug methamphetamine, importing class B drug ecstasy and possessing class C cannabis.

The man, who has interim name suppression, has pleaded guilty to the charges of importing LSD and methamphetamine and possessing cannabis.

Through lawyer Anne Stevens, he yesterday denied importing ecstasy as ''he asked for LSD''.

Both drugs were found in a package seized by Customs.

The claim prompted Judge Kevin Phillips to ask whether ''this was a kind of shopper benefit thing?''.

''[It was] thrown in for nothing?'' he asked.

''It appears so,'' Mrs Stevens responded.

The class B drug might have been included in the package as ''some sort of incentive'' for future purchase, she said.

Judge Phillips adjourned the case until next week so Mrs Stevens and police could attempt to resolve the matter. It will be called again next Tuesday.

