Dunedin security guard detains drink-driver

Tearoha Enoka
Tearoha Enoka
A vigilant security guard who prevented an alleged recidivist drink-driver from continuing his journey early yesterday has won the praise of police.

Alert Monitoring (Otago) security guard Tearoha Enoka said he became suspicious after the man overtook his vehicle and then began driving along the line between the two one-way lanes in Crawford St, Dunedin shortly after midnight.

"He was just swerving all over the road, and I realised there was something wrong."

Mr Enoka (29) decided to approach the man's vehicle after watching him pull over on the side of the road, and was shocked when he saw him drinking from a cask of wine.

To prevent the driver leaving, he blocked the man's car with his vehicle, before asking him to hand over his car keys.

"He just asked if I was a cop."

Police were then called.

Senior Sergeant Mel Aitken said the 30-year-old, who had twice been convicted of drink-driving and was at present disqualified, recorded a breath-alcohol level of 1656mcg.

The legal limit is 400mcg. That is a shocking result."

She said she would not expect someone at more than four times the legal limit to be able to operate a motor vehicle.

The man not only risked his own life, but that of other motorists.

"He has shown a compete disregard for other road users and, in my opinion, that is incredibly selfish".

Snr Sgt Aitken praised the efforts of Mr Enoka, whose quick thinking stopped the man in his tracks.

Mr Enoka played down his role, saying he was just doing his job.

"Police can't be everywhere. I was just doing the same thing they are doing ... trying to protect the community."

The man is due to appear in the Dunedin District Court next week.


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