Dunedin to retain one-way system

The Dunedin City Council is backing retention of the one-way system in the central city, including a plan to modify the appearance of the State Highway 1 pair of routes.

It will now pass on this feedback to the decision-making authority, Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency.

Some change was considered inevitable because of construction of the new Dunedin Hospital in the central city.

The council has moved on from its previous position, that an alternative model introducing two-way traffic to the routes be put forward as the basis for future discussion.

Crs Jim O'Malley and Christine Garey were two councillors who argued this resolution had the desired effect, prompting Waka Kotahi to take more account of amenity.

Cr Lee Vandervis lamented the lack of an option promoting the status quo.

Traffic heads north along Cumberland St in Dunedin yesterday next to the site of the planned new...
Traffic heads north along Cumberland St in Dunedin, next to the site of the planned new hospital. PHOTO: PETER MCINTOSH
The council voted 10-5 to support the work programme retaining the one-way system.

Dunedin Mayor Jules Radich said the one-way routes were important for traffic flow in the city, business viability and keeping people connected.

He also pointed to safety.

"People will be dying if we change that road to two-way," Mr Radich said.

Deputy mayor Sophie Barker said the one-way option, including enhancements, offered the most safety and amenity.

Elected members for were Mr Radich and Crs O'Malley, Barker, Bill Acklin, Carmen Houlahan, Cherry Lucas, Andrew Whiley, Kevin Gilbert, Mandy Mayhem and Brent Weatherall.

Councillors against were David Benson-Pope, Crs Garey, Vandervis, Marie Laufiso and Steve Walker.  

