One of the Dunedin officers convicted last month on assault charges is to appeal his conviction.
Brenton Rooney (33) had lodged an appeal with the court, his lawyer John Farrow confirmed last night.
A date to hear the appeal has yet to be set.
On July 16, Rooney (33) was found guilty of intentionally injuring Daniel Murray Wiel.
He was sentenced to two months' community detention with a 7pm-to-7am curfew, and 100 hours' community work.
His colleague, Duncan Hollebon (37), was found guilty of the less serious charge assaulting Mr Wiel with intent to injure him and sentenced to 160 hours' community work.
Both men were ordered to pay Mr Wiel $500 reparation for emotional harm for the incident, which happened while Mr Wiel was being arrested in Dunedin in February last year.
Hollebon's lawyer, Anne Stevens, said Hollebon had not decided whether he was going to appeal.
The 28-day appeal period has lapsed, but late appeals can be lodged.
The two officers remain employed by NZ Police.
Southern police district operations manager Lane Todd confirmed they remained suspended on full pay, while NZ Police worked through its internal disciplinary process.
He expected that process would be completed within two months.