Dunedin 'did itself proud'

The Dunedin City Council has praised Dunedin residents and businesses after a successful opening 2011 Rugby World Cup weekend.

DCC staff met yesterday for a debriefing following the Argentina-England match on Saturday night.

Mayor Dave Cull said the city "did itself proud at the weekend".

Local residents, volunteers and businesses had ensured that teams and international fans had "a wonderful weekend", Mr Cull said yesterday.

"It was one for the books.

"The local street entertainment proved to be a great success and contributed to a great feeling in the city.

"At a planning and infrastructure level, our street cleaning, traffic management and public transport provisions all worked well.

"There will be some minor alterations; just small things that will make the next game even better. Overall, I think everyone involved deserves a pat on the back for a job well done," Mr Cull said.

"Now, we just have to do it again, three more times.

"Everyone in Dunedin stands to benefit from being fantastic hosts to Rugby World Cup 2011."

- nigel.benson@odt.co.nz

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