‘‘We can’t police stupidity and ignorance.’’
That is the message from frustrated Dunedin police after more than a dozen drink-drivers were caught in the city at the weekend.
Inspector Craig Brown said police caught 13 motorists in Dunedin and Mosgiel who were over the limit, including one person who recorded 970mcg, nearly four times the legal limit.
There were no specific police operations running at the weekend, meaning the drivers were picked up as part of normal policing.
On a standard weekend police would catch between four and seven drink drivers in the city.
‘‘We can say it’s disappointing until we’re blue in the face, but people still seem to be thinking they can get away with it.’’
Senior Sergeant Craig Dinnissen said people needed to plan their nights out in advance, to make sure they had a sober driver.
‘‘Arrange your mates to do it, and those mates need to step up and stay sober.’’
Police could police ‘‘so much, but we can’t police stupidity and ignorance’’, he said.