Glendale Retirement Home showcased a special exhibition of residents' wedding dresses and photographs.
Gladys Morris (85) got married "in 1947 or 1948" in the Caversham Presbyterian Church.
"I got my dress at Arthur Barnett's," she recalled yesterday.
Mrs Morris said she was excited about Prince William and Kate Middleton's wedding.
"Oh, yes. Too right. Just to see what they all wear. I like the Royal Family."
Nancy Edwards (97) wore a short-sleeved, mustard-coloured dress for her 1945 wedding in the former St Kilda Methodist Church.
"We couldn't get white material after the war, so it was very hard to make a white dress. You couldn't make one back then unless you got everyone's coupons," she said.
Noelene Wilson (82) was married in the Mission Hall in Rees Valley, Glenorchy, in 1950.
"There was no road to Glenorchy in those days, so we travelled there on the Earnslaw."