Demand for new pools to be examined

The demand for new pools and other aquatic facilities in Dunedin is to be scrutinised by a new Dunedin City Council working party.

Councillors at yesterday's full council meeting voted to establish the working party, comprising four city councillors, two council staff and a representative from the Mosgiel Taieri Community Board.

The working party would examine the Future Aquatic Strategy report prepared for the council by consultants SGL Group New Zealand Ltd, which was prompted by earlier public submissions on swimming facilities to the council.

The report recommended investment in new facilities, including a cafe and wellness spa at Moana Pool, a spa at the St Clair Hot Salt Water Pool and regular fee increases above the consumer price index to boost revenue from visitors.

The report also identified overcrowding, conflicting uses and a shortage of parking at peak times as causes for concern, and suggested new pools at Mosgiel - replacing the ageing existing facility - and a training pool at the Forsyth Barr Stadium.

The working party established yesterday would report back to the council's community development committee on August 31, suggesting priority projects and time lines for each.

The working party would be chaired by Cr Paul Hudson and include Crs Fliss Butcher, Bill Acklin and Colin Weatherall, council aquatic services manager Steve Prescott and community adviser recreation Hamish Black.

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