Improvements for Dunedin’s retail quarter will start soon which will temporarily change the flow of traffic in its main streets.
Dunedin City Council central city plan project director Dr Glen Hazelton said work in the Great King St hospital block, between Hanover and Frederick Sts, would begin on Monday.
It would be followed by work in the street’s centre city mall block, between St Andrew and Hanover Sts, starting on 20 June.
The work involved the replacement of old underground pipes, followed by above-ground improvements such as new footpaths, streetlights and street furniture.
Pipe renewal work on both blocks was expected to run until the end of the year.
The priority during construction would be to maintain access to and from the hospital, as well as businesses and car parking facilities.
The streets would remain open for one-way southbound traffic.
The city council was working with the Southern District Health Board and other businesses in the area to communicate these traffic management arrangements to the public, he said.
Work would also continue in George St on the Farmers block, between St Andrew St and Moray Place.
Pipe renewals had been completed on the eastern side of the block and work had begun on the western side.
Night closures at the intersection of St Andrew and George Sts and at the intersection of Moray Pl and George St would be required to finish the replacements.
Once the pipes were completed above ground improvements would begin.
The Farmers block was expected to be finished in October.
‘‘We are doing our best to co-ordinate work and minimise disruptions, while at the same time rolling out marketing initiatives aimed at encouraging people to keep supporting businesses in the area.’’
With Filleul Street now open, traffic wanting to avoid roadworks on George Street and Great King Street can use this street as a detour, he said.