Community board chairman censured over racist slur

Barry Williams
Barry Williams. File photo
The Dunedin City Council has censured a community board chairman and is calling on him to consider resigning over a racist slur involving a member of the public.

The council today considered an independent investigation report relating to a Code of Conduct complaint against Strath Taieri Community Board chairman Barry Williams.

The matter was dealt with in the non-public part of the council meeting to protect the identity of the victim.

Late this afternoon a council spokesman said that independent investigator Steph Dyhrberg had found that a material breach of the Code of Conduct had occurred.

The council upheld the finding and resolved that Mayor Jules Radich, on behalf of councillors, issue a letter of censure to Mr Williams.

In the letter Mr Radich says council is appalled by Mr Williams' behaviour, "which is a clear breach of the Code of Conduct and a serious failure to uphold the standard of behaviour expected of an elected community representative".

The letter goes on to say that councillors note Mr Williams has apologised, "but we invite you to consider resigning as Chair of the Strath Taieri Community Board".

The spokesman said the investigator’s report and any further details would not be made public, in order to protect the privacy of the individual involved.

 - By ODT Online

Supplied: DCC
Supplied: DCC



