Two arrested after student precinct burglaries

There were three burglaries and one theft in the University of Otago area at the weekend. Photo: Getty Images
There were three burglaries and one theft in the University of Otago area at the weekend. Photo: Getty Images
Two men have been arrested after a spate of burglaries in Dunedin's student area.

Three burglaries and one theft in the University of Otago area during the weekend of June 12 were reported to police.

A search warrant was executed on Wednesday at a Graham St property, where a stolen bike light was located.

The suspect was found hiding in bushes near the address and arrested.

Another warrant was executed on Thursday, this time in Tower Ave, Waverley.

A raft of stolen property was located, including a silver laptop, Mac Book Pro, smart TV, Nintendo Wii console and a variety of dentistry equipment.

A 43-year-old man is facing charges of burglary, theft and wilful damage.

A 53-year-old man is to face similar charges, police said. 

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