Having gates stolen ‘upsetting’

Mornington resident Val Reggett has had two gates stolen. PHOTO: GREGOR RICHARDSON
Mornington resident Val Reggett has had two gates stolen. PHOTO: GREGOR RICHARDSON
Some other stolen Dunedin gates have been returned, but Mornington resident Val Reggett is angry hers are still missing.

At least eight metal gates have recently been stolen in Dunedin. Four were recovered by police and returned to residents in Pacific St, Roslyn.

Mrs Reggett said it was good some people had had gates returned "but it wasn’t good that we didn’t get ours".

"It’s been very upsetting," she said.

The theft, on the afternoon of October 7, made her feel their property had been "invaded", she said.

She and her husband Bruce were insured and were hoping they did not have to face a battle for a payout to replace the gates at their Whitby St property.

She also urged whoever took the gates to return them or to tell her how they could be recovered.

She and her husband were retired and could not afford $3000 to replace the gates.

Their loss had also reduced protection for young children who visited the house at times, and who could now wander outside into a busy street.

The gates also helped to keep their schnauzer dog Bonn (5) safe.

The missing gates matched the style of their house, which was more than 100 years old, and would be hard to replace, Mrs Reggett said.

Senior Sergeant Anthony Bond said recently that any- one with information about other stolen gates should call police.

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