Shayde Palmer-King and Tamara Pomara, both of whom work in the shearing industry, were jailed for three years and three months, and two years and three months, respectively when they appeared in the Dunedin District Court this week.
Police's suspicions of the duo's activities were confirmed when a search warrant was executed at their home on April 17.
Officers had to be thorough to find the class-A drug.
Ziplock bags containing 6g of methamphetamine were ``secreted'' under Palmer-King's scrotum, a summary of facts revealed.
A broken pipe lay on the floor and 0.25gm of P was found in Pomare's handbag.
More tellingly though, there was also a ``tick list'' - an account of initials and dollar values next to them.
Further evidence of dealing was found in the bedroom.
There was more meth and $2500 in cash; enough to allow police warrants to access the defendants' cellphone data.
The pair speak about a ``Q''s, which police said referred to quarter of a gram, and also a ``half dogg''.
Palmer-King messaged Pomare on April 8: ``My bro in Milton wants a Q, lol told him to get a few more sales make it worth the trip eh. I can slang heaps in dunnaz, we should go up there when I shear them lambs?''
Pomare's text messages showed she was active in selling cannabis, which was also found at her home by police.
While on bail, nearly a month later, police spotted the couple driving through Alexandra.
Once they activated their lights and sirens, it became clear Palmer-King was not going to stop. He sped through residential streets and smashed into a fence in Dunstan Rd while trying to evade road spikes.
Police heard a ``rustling noise ... emitting from [Pomare's] pants'' and found methamphetamine in ziplock bags in her underwear.
Meanwhile, Palmer-King had sprinted off, stopping at one house to try to steal a car before running through Dunstan High School. There he also tried to get into a van but it was locked.
After two failed attempts to enter properties in Gregg St, Palmer-King was cornered by officers and arrested.
They found four point bags of P in his pocket.
Alongside his prison term, Palmer-King had his vehicle confiscated, a knife and firearm destroyed and was disqualified from driving until December 2023.
The duo's $2500 was forfeited to the Crown as proceeds of crime.