Six places on Otago's Conservation Board will become vacant next year so the hunt is on for people with an interest in conservation.
The terms of six of the 10 people on the board, including chairwoman Associate Prof Abby Smith, will end in June.
Members served terms of up to three years and could seek reappointment.
Prof Smith has served on the board since 2005, Garry Nixon (2004), Iris Scott (2004), David Holdsworth (2009), Gordon Bailey (2010) and Andrew Penniket (2006).
Conservation Minister Kate Wilkinson said members of local conservation boards had a say to help protect their local conservation assets for future generations.
The main role of the board, which meets five times a year, is to review and suggest conservation strategies for the future, and to advise the Department of Conservation (Doc) on how to best implement those strategies.
"By being involved in setting the direction of conservation in the region, Otago Conservation Board members have the opportunity to make a real difference," Prof Smith said.
Doc community support manager Ken Stewart said nominations were open to everyone with an interest in conservation.