Church raises $330 for children's jandals

Keren White is managing an appeal to get jandals on the feet of Filipino school children. Photo...
Keren White is managing an appeal to get jandals on the feet of Filipino school children. Photo by Gregor Richardson.
A Mosgiel church is ensuring children in the Philippines have a spring in their step.

St Luke's on the Taieri vicar the Rev Stephen White said the Anglican church had raised $330 for the Tear Fund charity to buy 66 pairs of jandals for school children in the poorest part of the Philippines.

''Given the massive cyclone that hit the Philippines ... we thought that it was a practical way that we could help,'' Mr White said.

In the Philippines, the roads were ''rough and uncomfortable'' and many children walked to school in bare feet.

''A simple pair of jandals means they can walk much more comfortably and safely and won't get their feet cut walking to school,'' Mr White said.

When the $5 cost of a pair of jandals was donated his daughter Keren, who is managing the appeal, pinned a picture of flip-flops on a church noticeboard to inform parishioners another child was being helped.

Miss White said it was the first appeal she had managed and she urged anyone wanting to give money to buy jandals to visit

''It's a good way to give back to others who don't have the basics of life.''


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