Centre to show community how to grow food

ReScape Resilience Education Centre founder Jon Foote picks vegetables from a community garden in...
ReScape Resilience Education Centre founder Jon Foote picks vegetables from a community garden in Dunedin. Photo by Craig Baxter.
A secret garden between the Dunedin suburbs of Concord and Corstorphine is being developed as a community hub for growing food and using alternative energy.

The ReScape Resilience Education Centre, which is the brainchild of founder and land manager Jon Foote, held an open day on Saturday, with the public invited to share in his vision of the 2.8ha (seven-acre) piece of land being a centre for resilience.

Mr Foote said the plan was to build an education centre on the site, which already had a vegetable garden, a dam and more than 100 fruit trees, as early as next year.

People from the surrounding communities would be invited to either get involved in a community garden on site or, if they had no land for a vegetable garden, they could have a plot on the site.

Mr Foote wanted use the centre to teach people in the community how to grow their own food and use alternative energy.

The inspiration for the project came from growing food insecurity in the world and the need for community resilience.


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