Carrington to be strengthened

Barry Mackay
Barry Mackay
The University of Otago will carry out earthquake strengthening at Carrington College over the summer holidays as it awaits the results of further assessments on some of its buildings.

The work at the residential hall Carrington College is part of a $50 million earthquake-strengthening programme unveiled by the university earlier this year.

At the time, Otago University chief operating officer John Patrick said it was hoped to complete strengthening work by 2019. After the first round of building assessments, only the Scott building - at between 25% and 30% of new building standard (NBS) for earthquake strength - was found to be earthquake prone.

Other buildings assessed in the round including the School of Medicine's Lindo Fergusson building and Scott building, the arts building and the clocktower buildings were found to be less than the university's draft target of 67% of NBS for its older buildings - meaning that work would have to be carried out to bring them up to that standard.

Since then, Linton House at Carrington College had been found to be earthquake prone - at 28% of NBS - in July.

Otago University director of property services Barry MacKay said the university would be carrying out strengthening work at Carrington College over the summer holidays while students were away. The cost of the work was not known.

No strengthening work on other buildings would be carried out over the holidays and the university was working through its detailed assessment earthquake-strengthening programme with consultants Hadley and Robinson and Opus International, Mr MacKay said.

As part of its second round of building assessments, the university had found that Arana College and the Zoology building were not earthquake-prone.

Further second-round assessments - for its property services building, the professorial houses, Marama Hall, Archway building and the school of surveying building - were expected back soon.

The university had also started its third round of assessments looking at Studholme, Aquinas, Hayward, Unicol, Abbey and Toroa Colleges.


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