Presbyterian Support Otago retail manager Chrissy Anderson said more Dunedin people were knitting and its secondhand store, Shop on Carroll, needed more wool to meet the increased demand.
''We want to shroud ourselves in wool as there is a resurgence of people wanting to learn to knit or starting to knit again.''
The knitters were men and women of all ages, Miss Anderson said.
More people were taking a greater responsibility for their environmental footprint and reusing clothing and materials that would otherwise be dumped.
''People are getting sick of everything going to landfill.''
People with unwanted knitting supplies, such as wool, patterns and needles, should donate rather than dump and something ''fabulous'' would be created.
All profits from the store go back into the Otago community and help support the many Family Works services and programmes run by Presbyterian Support Otago, Ms Anderson said.