Broad Bay project back on table

A controversial shared waterfront development in Broad Bay seems to be back on the table, dismaying a project opponent.

The proposal is for a $1.4 million waterfront facility shared between the community and the Broad Bay Boating Club, which would result in the community hall being sold for funding.

Broad Bay Community Centre members voted at the weekend not to end the joint venture. It followed a vote in September which failed to gain sufficient support for the development, departing community centre president Sean Hogan said.

"In theory, that means the joint venture continues.

"It's a fair ballot. Whether there is any mandate from the result of that ballot is now a matter for [Broad Bay] Waterfront Inc to decide if they can continue on that basis."

In September, project backers sought 70% support from community centre members for the project, but got just over 60%.

Mr Hogan said the vote on Sunday to end the joint venture lost by 29 votes to 26.

"I'd hoped for some sort of closure for the community on this at this meeting, but that didn't happen."

He did not believe the venture had enough support to continue, although he accepted that many people wanted it to go ahead.

Three of the four community centre members on Broad Bay Waterfront Inc, which also comprises boating club representatives, had resigned. Three new members had stepped up to take their place.

"You can read into that what you will."

Mr Hogan said he stepped down because he felt he had made his contribution and it was time to let someone else take over; a new president was to be appointed.

Keep Our Hall spokeswoman Sarah McDougall said she did not accept the Sunday night ballot gave the project a mandate.

She did not believe enough residents participated in the vote, which was also too close to be decisive.




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