Vodafone New Zealand has applied for resource consent to build a 30m tower on council land overlooking Brighton, about 1.5km from Brighton beach and 2km from the Saddle Hill conservation area.
However, Vodafone's plans were dealt a blow late last month, when the company's application was set aside at a meeting of the council hearings committee after doubts were raised about the adequacy of public consultation.
Yesterday, committee chairman Cr Colin Weatherall told the Otago Daily Times a new independent landscape assessment was being carried out, examining the impact of the proposed tower's height on surrounding residents.
The work was expected to be complete by the end of the month, after which council staff would decide whether to proceed with a full 30-day public notification period, which would give anyone the opportunity to make a submission.
Alternatively, staff could choose to proceed with a second round of limited notification with a revised list of parties deemed to be affected by the proposed tower, Cr Weatherall said.
A second hearing would then be held, which was not likely to take place until mid-to-late July at the earliest, he said.
The landscape assessment was being carried out on Vodafone's original tower proposal.
No new application had been received, although it was possible the company could withdraw its original application and lodge a new one, Cr Weatherall said.